Kate Hilpern
Journalist / Media Consultant
Kate was awarded a First Class Honours degree in Communications Studies from London Guildhall University, where she studied from 1993-96. The following year, she gained a Distinction in a Masters in Journalism at Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Since then, Kate has been a freelance journalist, writing for national newspapers and magazines, as well as more specialist publications. For several years, she also worked part-time as an editor on the Independent and for almost a decade, she was a visiting tutor in journalism at Goldsmiths, University of London. Kate also has a long career as a copywriter and media trainer.
Although Kate writes on a wide variety of issues, her key passion is adoption and fostering. As an adopted person herself, she sat on an adoption panel for almost 10 years and she still works as an intermediary for the adoption charity Norcap.
Kate lives with her husband and two young children.
2010 - present
2010 - present